A staff member with a part-time contract can participate in H2020-RISE provided that during the period of secondment the staff member is devoted full time to the activities of the project according to article 32.1 (f). This may be possible only if adequate and additional arrangements are agreed, for the entire period of secondment, between the staff member and the sending organisation.
Therefore, we confirm that there is no possibility to work part-time in a RISE secondment as there is under certain conditions in other H2020-MSCA actions (see for example annotations of H2020-IF actions under article 6.2.A) and article 55 of the GA: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/amga/h2020-amga_en.pdf.
This shall not be confused with the requirement concerning the minimum 6 months link/active engagement of the staff before the first secondment (see article 6.2.(A).(b).(ii) of the GA). In that case, part-time work is indeed counted and full-time “equivalence” must be calculated.
• The staff works 50% part-time for the sending organisation
• The secondment of this staff is planned to start on 1/1/2016
• The staff member must have been actively engaged or linked to the sending organisation at least as from 1/1/2015.
• As from 1/1/2016 and for all the duration of the seconded the staff member must be devoted full-time to the activities of the project.
(Answer provided by REA)