For nationals & long-term residents of EU MS and AC, who wish
to reintegrate from a TC to Europe (i.e. direct mobility to an EU
MS or AC within the last 12 months before the call deadline), the time
of research experience in the TC will not be counted.
04 June 2015
PF: What is the average age of an MSCA fellow and do I stand a chance with applying when I am above or below the average age?
The Postdoctoral Fellowships do not have any age restriction. Most funded proposals in the past calls had applicants within the first 3 years after their phd. This does not mean that you do not have chances for applying when you have more or less experience than this. Evaluators typically have a look at the CV and put it into context. A researcher should well justify any career breaks. Keep in mind that any applicant has to show the impact the fellowship will have on his or her future career path and adapt this to your individual situation. Additionally, for Horizon Europe, candidates can only apply with up to 8 years of research experience
after obtaining their PhD at the call deadline. The following exceptions count: Years outside research and career breaks will not be counted.