This is the call schedule for all Horizon2020 MSCA calls:
Stage 1: Publication of the number of submitted proposals (posted directly on call website)
When/Who: After the deadline of submission by the call coordinator.
Stage 2: Annexes to the Evaluation Report (posted on CIRCABC for NCP).
Content: Statistical information of the evaluation procedure, provisional ranked list, estimated financial contribution per partner (only for ITN and RISE).
When/Who: To be sent by the Commission to the MSCA NCPs after the Programme Committee has ben informed and at least one working day before applicants are informed about outcome of evaluations, at the latest 5 months after the closure of the call. The NCP national coordinators receive only the Annexes 1-7, 10 and the ESRs.
Stage 3: Outcome of the Evaluation (for the applicants)
Content: This is in the form of a 'formal notification' via the Participant Portal, together with a copy of the ESR, to inform the applicants of the results. In the case of main list proposals, applicants receive the Grant Information Letter to invite them to the grant agreement preparation phase.
When/Who: Supplied by REA to the applicants (coordinators) within 5 months after the call closure and after the PC MSCA configuration and the NCPs have been informed.
Stage 4: Flash Call Info (on call website of 'Funding and Tender Opportunites')
Content: Basic statistics on the outcome of the call (e.g. number of total proposals submitted, ineligible proposals and proposals above and below threshold).
When/Who: Published by REA on the Participant Portal at the same time when the applicants are informed about the evaluation results (or soon after).
Stage 5: Closed call information (1st trimester of year n+2)
Content: Statistics for all actions after the execution of the total budget of the call.
When/Who: Supplied by REA to the Commission for the PC members and NCPs.